Community Sponsor

Community Sponsor

Community Sponsor

Thank you so much for agreeing to sponsor a member of the Black Girl, Bleu community! You can choose from two options for each membership plan. The first option is to pay the full cost of a monthly subscription, and the second option is to cover half of the cost for a monthly subscription (the member will cover the other half). We appreciate your support!

Therapy, Healing Circles + Wellness Sessions Plan

Members of this plan will receive access to:

  • The wisdom & expertise of several healers focused on helping Black women love themselves.
  • Weekly 60-minute LIVE virtual support groups focused on anxiety, depression, grief and more.
  • Weekly 60-minute LIVE wellness sessions such as journaling, yoga, and meditation (plus the recordings if you can’t catch them live).
  • Two virtual therapy sessions a month through partner; additional sessions offered at a low-cost.
  • Monthly workshops focused on practices, tools and techniques to care for and improve their emotional, spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing.
  • Connection to an entire community of women who get them.

Therapy + Healing Circles Plan

Members of this plan will receive access to:

  • The wisdom & expertise of several healers focused on helping Black women love themselves.
  • Weekly 60-minute LIVE virtual support groups focused on anxiety, depression, grief and more.
  • Two virtual therapy or mental health coaching sessions a month through partner; additional sessions offered at a low-cost.
  • Connection to an entire community of women who get them.